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My Story

I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. I was a very intuitive and psychic child. My sister Jenny gave me my first spiritual book. I quickly developed an insatiable appetite for spiritual knowledge and wisdom teachings. I wanted to find the answers to why I was coming out of my body and astral traveling nightly. I also had a lot of confusion & didn't understand why I felt the emotions and subtle energetic shifts in those around me so intensely. Because of this, I was more comfortable being alone. I felt a profound sense of loneliness, confusion, and sadness.


As a child and teenager, I deeply craved love and a sense of belonging as we all do. I had a sense that there was something unusual about me and I wanted to hide it. In an attempt to fit in and belong, I shut the door on my gifts. I was unknowingly dimming my light for others because I hadn't yet healed my core wounds and learned how to manage my empathy.


My twenties were especially painful. I had a series of traumatic events that eventually caused me to seek out spiritual coaching. In my darkest moment, I attracted healers, mystics, and shamans. They "mysteriously" began to show up in my life. I spent the next 7 years studying under many gifted mystics. They helped me heal my heart as well as reclaim and master my gifts.


Nowadays, I devote my life to my soul’s mission; To help people discover their connection to love and the universe. I love teaching people how to journey inward to connect and discover the eternal source of love that is their being.


I believe that love is the ultimate coach. My life has shown me that outer experience is a reflection of our inner reality.

I wholeheartedly feel there is something special, beautiful, and genius in everyone; Sometimes we just need to remove the blocks that cover our always-perfect souls.


When I'm not working I love to hike and be in nature! My favorite things in the world are writing, the ocean, cooking, crystals and trees, my nieces and nephews, and a course in miracles!




Lauren is a Transformational Spiritual Coach and an Energy Healer. She has facilitated over 10 k paid private coaching & energy sessions. Her titles include Reiki Master in Usui Reiki Ryoho and Holy Fire. Lauren is also a member of the International Focusing Institute, where she became a Felt Sense Practitioner. She holds Certifications from the Chopra Institute as a Meditation Teacher and from the Loka Yoga School in Breathwork and Yin Yoga. At the 5th Ray Healing Academy, she graduated in Tapping 1 & 2. Lauren is a somatic psychophysical transformational practitioner with 10+ years of experience in the field, having studied and apprenticed under numerous healers. She brings all of this knowledge and techniques to the table. Lauren's skills as a Transformational Coach have earned her a spot on the Coach Foundation Top 20 awards, one of the biggest names in the coaching industry.

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